GenX CD Vol 3 Cover GenX CD Volume 3

Download CD covers - Cover artwork by Manfred 'Farmer' Pfandlbauer

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Trk Title Author/Group Time Notes Med Fi Hi Fi
1. Halogen Blurr Versaln 4:22
2. Mercury In Retrograde Versaln 5:48
3. Into The Kingdom Of God Mike Cummins 3:43
4. Footprints In The Sky Jason Ellington 3:55
5. A Minor Melody The Wolf 2:56
6. Progression Jim Kirkhoff 5:31
7. Dandelion Jim Kirkhoff 5:08
8. Dispicable Lies The Craving Scream 4:33
9. So Far The Craving Scream 4:27
10. Asgard E. Thomas 2:57
11. Comfort Me E. Thomas 4:52
12. Tubes Scottyboy 2:50
13. The Joker's Final Fall Mike Cummins 3:27
14. Samari Warrior The Wolf 2:34
15. Nothing I Can Do Luc Poulin 5:33

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Med Fi is 96kbps, about .75 to 1 megabyte per minute, or about 3 to 5 megabytes per song
Med-hi Fi is 128kbps, about 1 to 1.5 megabytes per minute, considered CD quality
Hi Fi is 192kbps, about 2 megabytes per minute, or about 5 to 10 megabytes per song

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