GenX CD Vol 4 Cover GenX CD Volume 4

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Trk Title Author/Group Time Notes Med Fi Hi Fi
1. {a} Few Words From Jimi
{b} Truth Vortex
Mike Cummins
Luay Rafai
Shelby Jackson
2. Grief Jason Ellington 3:56
3. Long Goodbyes Jason Ellington 3:24
4. Dulce Sabor Tremens 4:38
5. Mi Prisionera Tremens 4:09
6. Death Of The Old Man Delenda Carthago 6:22
7. The Gautlet E Thomas 2:19
8. My First Ride Luay Rifai
Tammam Hamza
9. Welcome To My World mD 4:00
10. Girlfriend Jim Kirkhoff 4:58
11. Crazy World Luc Poulin 4:11
12. 1,4,S.R.V. Mike Cummins 5:24
13. Funked Up (unfinished) Mike Cummins 3:49
14. Glide Puppet King 4:14
15. Gennie Eaglion 4:18
16. Shiverings In The Night Eaglion 3:13
17. Live It Out Delenda Carthago 4:15
18. Soul Fly UKR Paul 4:17

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Med Fi is 96kbps, about .75 to 1 megabyte per minute, or about 3 to 5 megabytes per song
Med-hi Fi is 128kbps, about 1 to 1.5 megabytes per minute, considered CD quality
Hi Fi is 192kbps, about 2 megabytes per minute, or about 5 to 10 megabytes per song

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